Wednesday, March 11, 2009

As promised...

Here is a youtube performance of Joy Revisited. In my opinion, this performance has its ups and downs. I do think they have a great alto saxophone sound, though. Listen to it, and feel free to post a comment with your thoughts. :]

P.S. For anyone who's been with us through the years, check out kanzennanoguso. I think it is a pretty funny coincidence that they've done Novena, First Suite in Eb, and El Capitan! The performances are also good, too, (again IMO).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i listened to the middle school band that played first suite in Eb and Novena and it made me mad lol cuz i wonder what we really sounded like when we played each of these songs. their alto sax player in novena sounded beautiful...oh and listening to joy revisted it sounded pretty good it was kinda hard to hear my part since they only had one tenor but over all they did pretty good except it sound like the low brass was a little off and the flutes sounded goo on some parts it sort of sounded like they weren't sure but all and all they sounded good...WE CAN DO BETTER :)