Thursday, April 29, 2010

Moving Forward

It happens every year the seniors graduate and freshmen come in, but you forget its gonna happen until it actually happens. We have been through so much together and accomplished so much. The seniors can tell you, they saw the highs and the lows of our music career as a band. We will miss them so much, and now they move forward and become part of our memories,along with all the rest of the people who came through Foshay leaving legacies behind. The seniors or should I say college freshmen will go on to do amazing things. We appreciate them very much and hope they never forget our experiences together, and especially never forget Mr. Womack and his many life lessons, who we owe so much to for keeping the music department together at school, and for giving us a chance to experience life, being a part of something and exceling.

Congratulations seniors!
- Foshay Highschool Band
P.S. Since you seniors will become successful, dont forget to give back to Foshay, checks written out to the Foshay band booster club.